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May 2024- Two Paths to Organ Cleansing Qigong: Hypnotism and Brainwave Research

Program Host: Vicki Dello Joio

May 9th, 2024

8:30 – 9:30 PM Eastern

Merging brainwave research with hypnotism provides a deep understanding of Qigong and the mind’s power to affect the energetic condition of the body. With hypnosis, a guide programs the mind to transcend daily consciousness to subconscious states where reprogramming occurs upon suggestion. Brainwave research involves monitoring the brain’s electrical activity to identify frequency shifts caused by environmental, physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual influences. Organ Cleansing Qigong activates Qi in energy fields surrounding the organs, which strengthens and stimulates coherence in the energy field surrounding the external body.

Organ Cleansing Qigong involves seeing the body as an electrical system and parent for multiple organ systems. The practice deepens interoceptive awareness of the body’s energetic condition. The mind interprets and directs messaging from the heart to the brain as an interactive communication system, whereby the brain distributes the messaging throughout the body. As inter-dimensional conduits, we activate Qi to energize and transform stressful messaging to a positive force that stimulates and enlivens energetic organ systems.

Fourteen movements in Organ Cleansing Qigong facilitate the flow of oxygen atoms in the blood. Breath and alchemy are critical aspects of the practice. Deep abdominal breathing provides oxygen atoms with protons and electrons that interact coherently, alchemically transforming and activating Qi in coherent fields of energy. Vibratory frequencies produced by the Qi resonate with organ cells, to revitalize energy fields that surround the organs, bringing the body into a heightened state of balance in harmony with frequencies of the earth and universe.

Paras Kaul

Paras Kaul: A brainwave artist and researcher, Paras Kaul composes brainwave music and animation designed with healing intention, while also analyzing brainwaves before and after a variety of healing modalities, including Qigong. Her brainwave analysis suggests that brainwaves shift into low frequency coherence after Qigong practice. An invited speaker to France, Australia, and the UK, Paras is currently a board member for the National Qigong Association, and a Board Member for the Washington DC Association for Computing Machinery Special Interest Group for Computer Graphics and Interactive Techniques.

Having experienced hypnosis as a child, Paras became aware of deepened states of consciousness at an early age. She received a Master of Fine Arts degree at the School of the Art Institute of Chicago, where she began an intensive study of Tai Chi, Yang style and Push Hands. She began a professional career at animation companies in New York, Vancouver, and Hollywood at Paramount Studios, followed by a career in academia, while continuing to study multiple styles of Tai Chi, a variety of Qigong practices, Tai Chi longsword, broadsword, and Push Hands.

Since retiring from a technology-based career, her practice of Qigong has deepened. In 2022, Paras experienced a spiritual calling that directed her focus to Organ Cleansing Qigong and later became a certified instructor of this practice. She shares a long-term research interest with Francesco Garripoli who designed a Brain-Computer-Interface to analyze brainwave activity 
associated with emotional states. Paras maintains a future vision of a thriving Brain and Qigong
Research Center. Information regarding Paras as an instructor can be found on the Peaceable Dragon website ( Her personal website is