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May 2021 - The Twin Rivers of the Great Unwinding: Qigong and Meditation

May 13, 2021

Program Host: Vicki Dello Joio

Qigong and Meditation form the foundation of genuine transformation and are an excellent basis for evolutionary potential in our human culture.

Embodiment has always been central in Dharma practice. The deeper traditions of embodiment practice or somatic integration – also known to us these days as qigong/neigong, have always integrated meditation and ethics as essential to authentic growth and development, in these arts.

In this Qi Talks, Teja Bell will be discussing how the cultivation of vitality and natural concentration – in harmony with the contemplative endeavor, provide the principled groundwork for the life-affirming practices of qigong.

Teja Bell

Teja Bell (Fudo Myoo Roshi) is a lineage dharma teacher and Rinzai Zen master, the 84th ancestor of Lin-Chi I-Chuan's Chan lineage. He is a 6th degree Black Belt in Aikido and a life-long practitioner and teacher of Chinese Internal Arts and Qigong. Teaching nationally and internationally (in China and Europe), Teja integrates meditation and dharma, with qigong/neigong's somatic skills as embodied mindfulness. He conducts teacher-trainings and in-depth practice sessions along with regular online classes and has taught over 150 residential retreats at Spirit Rock Meditation Center since 1999, along with numerous Zen retreats and martial arts related programs.