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Let's Practice Together!

Syner-Qi is our monthly event where we will explore a Qigong practice together. Each month will feature an NQA Professional member who will guide participants through a Qigong practice and/or meditations.

Whether you're a novice or seasoned practitioner, Syner-Qi offers something to suit every level. This event is perfect for newcomers eager to sample different techniques and for seasoned practitioners seeking fresh perspectives. Moreover, participants can integrate elements from each session into their personal practice.

If you can't make it to this live event, a recording will be added to the Syner-Qi Archive within the NQA membership hub.

Qigong Practice (40 minutes)

This event will be led by a Professional member of the NQA. Each month will feature a different professional. This will be a great opportunity to practice a different Qigong style and see what other members are teaching all around the country.

Q & A (15-20 minutes)

After our practice we will spend about 10 minutes for questions and answers to make sure our participants have a good understanding of the practice.

Join Us

Join us the Sunday after Qi Talks at 3 PM EST.
Members: Free
Non-Members: $25
Click here to learn more about NQA membership.

Next Event

Syner-Qi with Kevin Siddons
Host: Jennifer Eash
July 21, 2024
3:00 PM - 4:00 PM EST

The Five Animal Frolics Qigong of Dr. Jiao Guorui

The Five Animal Frolics is one of the historic forms in the qigong universe. Each animal has a unique spirit and set of movements. Once the movements of the form are learned, it is possible to practice the form in whatever order you would like. It is important to remember that another word for frolic is play. You are invited to have fun while practicing.

The five animal frolics of Dr. Jiao Guorui are a series of walking movements modeled after the behavior of five animals: (1) The Bear, (2) The Deer, (3) The Tiger, (4) The Monkey, and(5) The Crane. Each animal’s frolic contains 5 movements. The whole form contains 25 movements plus a warm-up / cool-down movement.

These frolics were developed by Dr. Jiao for his work in TCM hospitals and qigong hospitals in China during his lifetime. They emphasize the development of leg strength and balance. They can be modified to meet the physical health of the practitioner. In addition to the external aspects of the movements, Dr. Jiao also teaches internal qi guiding patterns. Each animal has a unique qi guiding pattern.

In this training session I will teach two or three moves from each frolic. I also have a book on master Jiao’s animal frolics that is available for sale. In his chapter on the Five Animal Frolics, master Jiao states: “Needless to say, qigong exercise can produce a myriad of beneficial effects, of which the most common are preventing and curing diseases, strengthening the constitution, avoiding premature aging, and prolonging life.”