Program Host: Vicki Dello Joio
March 14th, 2024
8:30 – 9:30 PM Eastern
Have you found that at times your Qigong movements don’t give you the rich healing outcome you had hoped for or that results are temporary?
The root of Chinese medicine understands that everything is energy, all energy has consciousness, all consciousness has purpose. It’s natural for the body to express imbalances. It’s also natural for the body to heal. But limitations occur when access points or the richness of this invisible Qi is not fully understood.
Nan Lu offers guidance outlining the mechanism for a highly successful Qigong healing practice—YOU as the key ingredient.
Each person comes to the practice with unique needs and energy requirements.
Sharing ancient wisdom is sharing a pure heart, body and soul.What state is your body in? How are you directing Qi and to what meridians? Each healing system has different rules.
Explore what this means for you and how you can enrich your healing practice.
Message from Nan Lu
The essence of wisdom in the martial arts and the Chinese medical arts is within its lineage. Lineage is the connection to the consciousness of the ancestral line. It's the ability to receive direct knowing or direct transmissions from one's master or masters. It is far beyond technique. It is also the ability to receive and pass on living wisdom to other students in the line. Self-cultivation and the desire to learn, to see, to experience Qi manifests the deeper connection to Universal wisdom.
Learn more about Nan Lu and his life’s journey here.
Nan Lu, OMD, is a doctor of Chinese medicine, author,teacher, speaker, state-licensed acupuncturist, and Qigong grand master who inspires others to transform their health and lives. He is the founding director and president of the Traditional Chinese Medicine World Foundation and the Tao of Healing in New York City. The holder of two ancient Chinese medicine and martial arts lineages, he devotes his life to studying, applying, and teaching the unique body-mind-spirit wisdom of TCM and Wu Ming Qigong.
He brings a rare synthesis of more than 40 years of clinical experience to his teachings and trainings. His vision to establish the Traditional Chinese Medicine World Foundation offers his students not only a platform to advance their understanding of TCM but also the opportunity to actively engage in sharing the ancient healing arts with a broader audience.