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Research on Benefits of Qigong Increasing

Qigong practitioners should be encouraged by the substantial [exponential] increase in research on the medical benefits of qigong.

This increase warrants future studies, which qigong practitioners should expect to see.


Trends in Yoga, Tai Chi, and Qi Gong Use among U.S. Adults: 2002-2017

Purpose: The purpose of the study is to examine the characteristics and temporal trends of Yoga, Tai Chi, and Qi Gong (YTQ) use among U.S. adults.

Methods: Using the 2002, 2007, 2012, and 2017 National Health Interview Surveys (NHIS), we examined the prevalence, patterns, and predicting factors of YTQ use by Taylor series linear regression, Wald F chi-square test, and multivariable logistic regression models (n=116, 404).

Results: The prevalence of YTQ use increased from 5.8% in 2002 to 14.5 % in 2017 (p<.0001). Only 6.6% YTQ users were referred by their medical doctors and approximately one third disclosed their use of YTQ to medical professionals. Primary reasons for using YTQ included: 1)YTQ was beneficial; 2) YTQ focused on the whole person, and 3) YTQ was natural. Acute and chronic pain, arthritis, and depression were the top three medical conditions that people used YTQ the most.

Conclusions: The substantial increasing use of YTQ mainly because its natural and holistic healing approach towards health and chronic diseases. Future studies aimed to explore how to best integrate YTQ into current health care system are warranted.